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Showing posts from 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas to all my friends and family who read this, and to anyone else who happens along! While I'm stuck at work, for a short shift, and wishing I were with family I thought I'd post something, since I have the time and this list seems to be making it's way throughout bloggland. Yes, I borrowed this from Stacy who borrowed it from... My Favorites of the Christmas Season: Smell - Baking (pumpkin bread, nutmeg, cinamon, bananna bread, fudge...) Song - Angels we have herd on high Food - Mom's swedish bread Symbol - christmas lights Tradition - Chinese food on Christmas Eve followed by opening up one gift, usually pajamas if they were under the tree Movie - White Christmas Sweet - fudge Gift Received - Last year mom got be a book I didn't think she'd actually buy and I've loved having it! There's a link to it here . Gift Given - I was pretty excited about my Dad's gift several years back. Compiling his music into one big 3 ring binder. Meal - Ha

Dear Mrs. Clause,

It has come to my attention that Santa Clause is not very technically savvy. Every time my sister and I call him, he says hello and then promptly, sometimes not so promptly, hands us over to Mrs. Clause. Santa also does not email very often. In fact, I don't think I've ever had an email from Santa Clause. And then there's blogs. Apparently one of Santa's elves told him I had a blog, but would you believe it, he doesn't read it! Instead Mrs. Clause dutifully gets online and puts in my blog address to read to Mr. Clause what is going on in the day to day life of me. None of this do I mind, however I got the most astonishing email from Mrs. Clause this evening. Apparently Mrs. Clause has forgotten the directions to this wonderful blog, of which I should write much more often than I do, and is in desperate need of the directions. Never you fear, I would NOT want to deprive Mr. and Mrs. Clause of the joyous ramblings of my day to day life, so I've sent the di

Beautiful Tuya

In Mongolia this year I really connected with a beautiful girl named Tuya. Two years ago she and her sister were more quiet around our team, but this year I really felt a connection with her. She wrote me a letter before we left, which I still have and will probably always keep. Bonnie got back from Mongolia a few weeks ago, and with her came letters for our team written by some of the kids. Today I got an envelope from "Far Far Away". When I opened it I had a letter from this dear girl. It's times like these when I don't know how I can't go back. Here's a picture of this lady. She asked me to come back next year, but this time I need to bring my boyfriend. I guess I should get cracking on that...

Just for fun

I'm looking through my pictures, trying to find a specific one, but I've run across these four pictures that I just want to post. No big reason other than it was a fun weekend. A while ago Stess came up to Ptown and we got to hang out with our "Brothers" Ryan and Kyle. Kyle didn't look at the camera, Ryan made a face, my camera didn't focus on Stess and I, and then the sky was just cool. So, for no real reason, enjoy!

1st Christmas gift

I was over at Stacy's tonight watching a show, but before we watched it she was showing me a youtube video of Il Divo, a group that she really likes. That got me thinking about a group I heard about last year called "Straight No Chaser". They're an acapella music group that performed back in 1996. Well they have a great video that Stacy has posted on her site. Check it out. They're amazing. Since Stacy posted the Christmas video I thought I'd post another favorite we watched a few times tonight... After watching those a few times we saw that the group is back together and has put out a Christmas cd! I love it! Stacy bought me a copy for Christmas so I can enjoy it for years to come. It's so much fun! It reminds me of all the choirs that I was in growing up. All the Christmas concerts we performed. The acapella songs sung and the fun times. Thanks Stacy!


List of Ninety-Nine I stole this from Stay who stole it from Mikaila who stole it from Carrie. I've bolded all the things I have done and put stars next to the things I want to do. 1. Started my own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii *** 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than I can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland/world 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sung a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris*** 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea *** 14. Taught myself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child*** 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty*** 18. Grown my own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France*** 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitchhiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice*** (I've been to Venice, but have not ridden a gon

Mr. Sniffles

I've been training a new hire class for going on three weeks now and I thought I'd share a bit about my class. I am teaching 20 men about how to be a technician on my contract. That in itself is a feat. Me, someone with very little technical experience (that's a step up from none), teaching 20 guys with varying degrees of technical ability, most of which probably have much more experience than I do. However, even with this being the case, the class is going really well! On the first day I did have one woman, but she bailed and never came back. I can only assume she was intimidated by the daunting task ahead of us. So, now I've got these guys in a classroom for 40 hours a week, three weeks long. It's been fun. I've got the older gentlemen who vary from not knowing anything about "modern" computers to knowing more than their fair share of information. I have the guys who transfered from other contracts and those who are new to my workplace all to


A few weeks ago I saw a notice at work for a position opening up on my contract. It's a position that I've been kinda doing for a while. I'd applied about 3 months after I got hired, didn't get the job, but have been training for it since then. I decided to apply for the job again. I'm very happy doing what I'm doing now, but figured why not get paid more and have it look good on a resume? So, Friday I had my interview. Before then, I spoke with my manager and he encouraged me, with no intention of discouraging me, to not give up if I didn't get the job. I went into the interview confident that I was qualified to do the job and do it well, but aware that other very qualified applicants had also applied. My interview went well and I was told that out of20 who applied, I was 1 of 6 to be interviewed! I was told that I'd probably know by Monday if I got the job or not. Well, Monday came and went and I figured I hadn't gotten the job. Today, jus

One Year

One year ago today, I walked into a classroom, sat down with about 20 other people and felt really overwhelmed. I was one of three women in the class. My instructor asked the class how many of us had built our own computer. I was one of three who didn't raise their hand. My instructor then went on to explain the process the others went through to research the parts needed, search for the best price, wait for them to arrive, then set up the pc. All this was to convince the others in the class that buying a pc, for the average person, was actually a really good deal. After eight hours of this stuff I went back to my Uncles thinking, "What have you gotten me into God?" Well, today, is my one year anniversary! I can't believe I made it this long. I honestly didn't think I'd be good at my job. I didn't think I'd like it, and wasn't very confident in my ability to assure the customer that I knew what I was doing because I didn't. I also didn't

Stuff and Nonsense

I know, it's been a while since I last posted anything. I've been trying to come up with something really great to write about, but nothing's coming to mind. So, instead of some wonderful pearls of wisdom, you get the mundane. Well, maybe not mundane, but my life as it pertains to: ...Living quarters. I'm pretty settled in to my place now. Last Sunday I got home from church and shortly after both roomates did. We had a chance to sit down for lunch together, not planned, it just happened. It was a fun, non-stressful time. We actually had a neighbor come by and give us a welcome gift! Later we went to the park and threw a ball for Brandi, our friendly dog, and played on the swings. All in all, a very relaxing time just hanging out. Later Jamie and I went to Target, with 2 stories! Jamie was really funny, being from a small town, Target with an escelator that you can put your cart down was quite an adventure. ...Church. I'm still trying to find a


This week has been very interesting, and today was great! I've been training again at work, however not one class with the same people. Instead, I've been training everyone on my contract during the day in groups of 5 or 6. This past week I was trying to catch up on those who've been gone or for one reason or another weren't able to be in class the first two weeks. I've also been going around and having those who didn't pass the first time re-take the test and try to pass it the second time. A few highlights: Being told by an agent that she wasn't confident in what she was being tested on, proceeding to pass (100%) the test and then tell me at lunch she was very grateful to me for taking the time to make sure she understood what was going on. Very encouraging! Having another agent tell me in a similar way that he appreciated the time I was willing to take to make sure he passed and understood the information. On top of training, this week I've been


Some adults are such crybabies! I've been teaching a new product training class these past few weeks and it's amazing how some people are flat out crybabies when it comes to doing their job. This class has a test at the end, 12 questions. True, some of the questions aren't that great, and there are a few that are wrong, but for the most part, the test is fine. This week I'm working on having those people who didn't pass the first time. They are a bunch of babies! Now granted, there are some great people who know it's a test, know there's not a lot they can do about it and know that I'm just the messanger. However, it's the people who come in griping and grumpling about how they're just stupid tests and they've never passed one before so why worry now that really frusterate me! It's not my decision to test you. I didn't write the test. I didn't decide to make the product work, or not work, the way it's designed. Just

Mongolia Part 2

I spent quite a bit of time last night trying to upload some more pictures for all of you, so here they are! The first four is an attempt to show you the view as we saw it from our ger. The fourth picture shows you Lotta and Doljin's ger and the house he's building. Also in that picture are the goat and sheep stalls. This is our shower. May is peeking her head out of the stall. Bimba and the kids loved to help us. Here Bimba is bringing us wood for the fence we built. Isn't he cool in his sunglasses? Kate "The Arm" checking the depth of our post hole. Dani is standing by ready to keep digging with a piece of rebar. Stess and Howard using the posthole diggers we brought. They were a great help until we got to the large rocks a few inches down. It got hot during the day so we worked at night on the fence until it was done. This was probably one of my favorite projects because we were all working on the same thing at once. Bada, one of our translators, worked alongsi

Mongolia Part 1

I've been asked by several people at work to see more pictures of my trip. I also know some of you would like to see some, and I'd like to have some pictures at work for backgrounds, so I'm going to start posting several pictures at a time. My pc is pretty slow in the uploading process, so it will take a while, but in the meantime, enjoy! Our team at the Portland Airport before taking off. Our "home", two gers that were put up for us. This is the inside of a ger Don't you love the wallpaper? These are the beds we slept on for three weeks! Ah, the bathroom. Girls on one side, boys on the other. Yep, we have a picture of the toilet (if it can be called that)! Be careful how you sit! Too far forward and you get splatter, too far back and...yep, splatter. Oh, and don't scoot unless you want slivers! After three weeks we were pretty used to it, and it leaned a bit more to the side than in this picture... Here's the cabin we worked on. The roof came off and

Welcome Miss Stess!

Stess (my lil sis) and I are constantly talking at least once a day. Every day she has little stories about her kids at school or about a new bulletin board she put up, or some great idea she had about teaching this subject. Well today I suggested she create a blog to record all that on. I'm trying to get her as addicted to this thing as I am. Anyway, while I was talking to her this evening I finally said that I'd just set one up for her so all she has to do is post stuff. So, I came home, much more excited now that I had a mission, and started a blog for my sister. I'm hoping she'll customize it a bit to her liking, but in the meantime I tried to make it reflect her personality. So here it is, my lil sis has a blog now. Feel free to visit and say hi! Love you sis!

Technical Support

Since I got back from Mongolia life has been pretty hectic so I appologize for not posting more pictures (still to come) or telling you more about my trip (also, still to come.) When I got back I realized I had 2 weeks to find a place (Praise the Lord, He provided!) and move (this weekend). On top of that, last weekend was a big family gathering, and stuff at work is changing along with my schedule. But, in an effort to at least give you something, I thought I'd tell you about one story from Mongolia that wouldn't have happened last year. Stess, Kate and I went evangelizing in the countryside with Pugi (the pastor) and Oyuna (our translator.) We ended up at a home with three generations all living together. They were all there and invited us into their home. Pugi spoke with them first, telling them what he did and why we, the Americans, were there. They asked what we did for work in the states. Kate works as a manager in a hotel and Stess is a teacher. Both those seem to t

A New Home

Praise the Lord! I found a place to live as of last night! I've been looking hard for a week, just after I got back from Mongolia and realized I only had two weeks to find a place. I didn't really want to move to Beaverton, cause I love Portland! And I didn't want to move any further east because the commute would be aweful. The place I found is closer to 205 and even better, about 3 blocks away from the Max station. Now I'll really have no excuse other than pure laziness, to not rid the Max to work. I'll be living with two christian women and a chocolate lab that is just sweet. The house is owned by one of the ladies and it's really cute! So, thanks for your prayers. They've been answered!


I'm back! Yep, I'm back from Mongolia. We got into Portland Friday night. Thank you Stacy for coming to meet us! It was fun seeing you and getting to have dinner at McMinneman's. And Lani, I'm glad you stopped by too! For now, I'll just tell you what I'm sure you already know, the trip was amazing and I wish I was still there! I'm headed off to work, but I'll tide you over with some pictures from the trip. Enjoy for now! "Super" the tickle monster A beautiful Mongolian sunset Azaa, Batraa and their beautiful son "Everlasting Joy" Munktsetsig and Khurley, looking at our photos Old Mongolian dress We took down that fence and built a new one, like the one on the far left Kate, Jack and Joseph, lot's of hot days Eric was the new favorite This is where we lived, in 2 gers!

Stuff n junk

I know... it's been a while. Sorry! I've been a little busy so let me let you in on what my life has been like for the past 3 weeks... Like I said in my last post, I got pulled into a new hire training class the last week of June. It was so much fun! I loved it! No, it wasn't easy and my class was probably the worst type of class to have. One third of the class were transfering from another contract and the rest were newbies. With the transferes there I wasn't always sure if the newbies got it or not. To top that off, all my resources were gone, either in India or on vacation. But even with all that, I really enjoyed it! Everyone graduated and though we've lost a few since then, mostly attendance, I think they're getting it and doing a pretty good job. Aside from work, I've been getting ready for Mongolia! I'm leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks! Nope, not at all excited... Stacy is going to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. We get the joy of being t


Wow it's been a busy week! Life has changed quickly and a bit dramatically this past week. I'm now an actual trainer at work. On Tuesday (at 11:30) I found out that I'd be training a new hire class (at 12:30). A few months ago I was in the associate trainer training class, but since then I hadn't actually trained anything! So, I got thrown into the job. To top it off, the guy I'm training with is going to India this Thursday. My trainer left last week for India. The one other person for my contract is leaving for vacation this week and also gave his 2 weeks notice. So, all my experienced support is leaving. The class is a mix of those who've been here before and newbies. I've been trying to get those who've been here to help the others, yet at the same time, want them to know that the process is different than the ones they knew. The training schedule is 8-5, mine is 10:30-7:30, so last week starting Wednesday, I was working from 7:45ish AM to 7:3

Crazy Eights!

Lani tagged me! Eight things I am passionate about: Family Friends My relationship with my Savior Coffee Brownies Traveling Music Books Eight things I say a lot: Thank you for calling HP Total Care I'd like a tall, double shot, vanilla latte I like the part in "Firefly" when... Hi Stacy! Jell-o Yes Sir, Captain' Tight Pants I can't wait to go to Mongolia! Amen Eight things I'd like to do before I die (no particular order): Get my nose pierced Go to Spain Go on a cruise Revisit Uruguay Own a home Be debt free Get married Be the Maid of Honor in my Sister's wedding Eight books I've read recently: Velvet Elvis Blue Like Jazz Irresistable Revolution 3 books by Steven Lawhead 1 book by Gilbert Morris 1 book by Beth Moore Eight Movies I have seen eight times: Pride and Prejudice French Kiss You've Got Mail White Christmas Shrek Pirates (if you count all three multiple times) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Gilmore Girls

Frog Loan

I was reading through some old documents I've had saved for a while. Over a the next couple weeks I'll share them, but here's one just for fun. Enjoy! A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. "Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,0


I had a customer today who when she was getting to her desktop and the hour glass was turning, told me "the thinker's on" Tell me Carrie, is this a Texas thing?


My birthday was Sunda. It was also Father's day. My roomate, Hannah, asked me to go out on Monday for Margarita's as a local restaurant had them half price! So, I was looking forward to Monday since I'd never had a traditional margarita, only the really fruity kind and not very many. Monday came aroud and work was surprisingly slow, so on a whim I signed up for VTO (voluntary time off). Low and behold, I got it! I was free from work about an hour and a half earlier than planned! Per the usual, I calles Stess when I got off. All excited that I had the rest of the night off, I told her I'd been vto'd and was on my way home. She was surprised and we talked for a bit before she had to go since she and her roomies were in the car and we don't like talking on the phone in the car with other people. I called Hannah then and she had just started cooking dinner so I told her I'd call when I got off the max and we'd go from there. I got off max, decided t

25 & 27

I have some pictures but not my camera, so I'll post pictures of my weekend tonight, but I thought I'd post something since it's been a while... This weekend I went to Albany for several reasons. On Saturday Mom, Dad, Stess, Nicole and I all rode our bikes in the Strawberry Festival Centenial Ride. No, we didn't ride 100 miles, but we did half that. Okay, some of us did half that. Since we had a beautiful little girl and a cute dog who couldn't join us on the ride Nicole and I switched off. She started with Mom, Dad and Stess and they rode the first 25 miles, from Lebanon High School to the other end of Foster Resivore in Sweet Home. I followed with the baby and the dog. Mom and Dad have two tandem bikes, one is an upright and the other is a recumbant. I prefer the recumbant by far! They all did great on the way to Foster. I met them at one stop and was very glad to have mom nearby as the little one had a blow out and didn't want to drink the formula I


I haven't posted anything in a bit, so I thought I'd go ahead and give an update. Life has been busy, what with getting ready for Mongolia, going to Albany, Lebanon, Sisters, preparing for my cousin's wedding, going to wedding showers and weddings, and just living life! Two weeks ago I was blessed to see Lydia get married! That was a great weekend. Last weekend Stess, Nicole, Ahryanna and I all went to Sisters. Didn't do much, just shopped and spent time oohing and ahing over an adorable little GIRL. I've decided I'm going to look for those plastic stick on earings for her. Purple isn't cutting it. This weekend I'm going to Albany/Corvallis/Lebanon for a Mongolia fundraiser (An Evening for the Orphans), my Aunt's 50th birthday party, another Mongolia meeting, and another friends wedding on Sunday. On the work front, I was in an associate trainer training class for two weeks. I just got my test back today and I got 100%! So now all I need to do is act


My sister, Stephanie, was in a triathlon this weekend. She did the biking portion of the race. This was her first race and I'm very pleased to announce that she won!!! Congratulations Lil'Sis!

La Vida Dulce

I've been remiss in my posting of certain events. I finally had my computer running and my camera handy. Now I can actually post some pictures! A Few weeks ago there was a wedding shower for Lydia. Here are some of the pictures and gifts she got... Little Miss Eva showing everyone her mom's new robe. Some Great new dishes Sisters, Sisters... A pink Bunny The rehearsal bouquet Mom and Daughter New "clothes"! Lydia's Mom All in all, it was a great time. This pas weekend Lydia and Aaron got married! I don't have any good pictures, but I'm sure friends of mine have some very