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Showing posts from June, 2010


"We're kidnapping your bike... The lock's in the way though." Was the text I received from my roomies tonight when I got off of work around 11:30pm. They're so fun :) As I stepped into the lobby I saw them sitting in the dark, on the couch waiting for me to come out. They'd been out for dinner and thought to come pick me up from work. How sweet! We got home and as I went up the stairs I checked the time, 11:56pm. Brie disappeared into the kitchen and Eron blocked the entrance. "What time is it?" he asked. I told him. "Well, we'll go off of mountain time!" and he and Brie burst into song, singing Happy Birthday. Brie had made me homemade, Giradelli chocolate brownies with homemade caramel sauce on them! Mmmmm, they we're delicious! I love my roomies!