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Showing posts from July, 2009

Turbulence and Jet lag

Well, after a long flight to Japan, a few hours in the airport, a 4 hour flight and an hour getting to the hotel, I'm finally here! I arrived at my hotel this morning, Friday, around 1 am. The flight to Japan was uneventful. I flew on Northwest airlines, and honestly, not that impressed. The last two times, going to Mongolia, have spoiled me. Then we had our own screens and multiple movie/tv choices. On this flight there were small screens in the aisle that all showed the same movie. At first I thought the flight was going to be pretty empty and that I would have my own row, but alas, I did have to share. My neighbor wasn't an issue, but the idea of having your own row on a ten hour flight, was really encouraging! The flight from Japan to Manila was shorter by far, and I did have two seats. I was so tired I slept through dinner, but really, dinner at 10pm wasn't very apetizing. Arriving at the airport I knew what to look for, thanks to Bonnie and our Mongolia trip

T minus 8 Days!

Well, my trip to the Philippines is still a go! No, I'm not excited... Not even a little ;p I fly out around 2pm on Wednesday, July 29th. It's quite a long flight, but I honestly don't mind. I love flying! In fact, I was at the airport on Friday night, to catch a shuttle to go to Corvallis, and got excited seeing the planes as they land! I've always been that way though. I remember when I was growing up, my family lived near the airport and we knew all sorts of missionaries, so it was quite common for us to go to the airport to pick up people. This was all in the days of guests actually being able to wait at the gate and see the plain coming in. We have pictures of my sister and I standing at the big windows watching eagerly as the plains are taxing in. So, as long as I can remember, driving up Airport Way in Portland, headed to the airport gets me excited. There are so many possibilities! Anyway, I'm getting off track... I haven't written much lately,