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Showing posts from 2013

Mi Primera Fin de Semana en Espana - My first weekend in Spain

This was my first view from my hotel when I arrived on Friday afternoon:  After a short nap, MUCH needed but short because I did want to sleep later that night, this was the view that I woke to... The clouds had burned away and it was SO beautiful! There's a beautiful walkway along the ocean. People are always walking, running and biking along it. I discovered that, though I'd bought an adapter at home, it was not the correct one for Spain. So I headed out to explore and with one thing in mind. Stopping first at the reception desk, I exchanged some money and asked for directions to a location where I could purchase said adapter. Thankfully they had a map that they gave me and pointed out a store just up the street that would probably have what I was looking for. Before walking up the streets in search, I stopped to admire the view closer.  This statue is located right outside of the hotel. Here's a close up:   As I sat in this area I obviously loo

Destination - La Coruna

I'm going to Spain!!! My flight path was Portland, Oregon to Chichago, Illinois, to Madrid, Spain to A Coruna, Spain.  I was supposed to leave on Thursday morning around 7am and arrive on Friday afternoon around 11:30am.  Caught the "supposed to" did ya?  Well as travel goes, it wasn't exactly according to plan. That's me waiting to board in Portland. Look how happy I am... That's before they announced the delay due to weather.  No worries though, I had a 4 hour layover in Chicago so I just waited it out. We boarded about an hour later than we were originally supposed to.  Once we got onto the tarmac to leave though we got news that Chicago was still having issues and now we had to wait about another 40 minutes. Eventually though, we got in the air. Once we landed in Chicago, because of the delays, there was a back up to get to the gates.  By the time we were able to depart, I'd missed the boarding time for my flight.  I booked it to the gate,