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Showing posts from June, 2008


Wow it's been a busy week! Life has changed quickly and a bit dramatically this past week. I'm now an actual trainer at work. On Tuesday (at 11:30) I found out that I'd be training a new hire class (at 12:30). A few months ago I was in the associate trainer training class, but since then I hadn't actually trained anything! So, I got thrown into the job. To top it off, the guy I'm training with is going to India this Thursday. My trainer left last week for India. The one other person for my contract is leaving for vacation this week and also gave his 2 weeks notice. So, all my experienced support is leaving. The class is a mix of those who've been here before and newbies. I've been trying to get those who've been here to help the others, yet at the same time, want them to know that the process is different than the ones they knew. The training schedule is 8-5, mine is 10:30-7:30, so last week starting Wednesday, I was working from 7:45ish AM to 7:3

Crazy Eights!

Lani tagged me! Eight things I am passionate about: Family Friends My relationship with my Savior Coffee Brownies Traveling Music Books Eight things I say a lot: Thank you for calling HP Total Care I'd like a tall, double shot, vanilla latte I like the part in "Firefly" when... Hi Stacy! Jell-o Yes Sir, Captain' Tight Pants I can't wait to go to Mongolia! Amen Eight things I'd like to do before I die (no particular order): Get my nose pierced Go to Spain Go on a cruise Revisit Uruguay Own a home Be debt free Get married Be the Maid of Honor in my Sister's wedding Eight books I've read recently: Velvet Elvis Blue Like Jazz Irresistable Revolution 3 books by Steven Lawhead 1 book by Gilbert Morris 1 book by Beth Moore Eight Movies I have seen eight times: Pride and Prejudice French Kiss You've Got Mail White Christmas Shrek Pirates (if you count all three multiple times) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Gilmore Girls

Frog Loan

I was reading through some old documents I've had saved for a while. Over a the next couple weeks I'll share them, but here's one just for fun. Enjoy! A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. "Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,0


I had a customer today who when she was getting to her desktop and the hour glass was turning, told me "the thinker's on" Tell me Carrie, is this a Texas thing?


My birthday was Sunda. It was also Father's day. My roomate, Hannah, asked me to go out on Monday for Margarita's as a local restaurant had them half price! So, I was looking forward to Monday since I'd never had a traditional margarita, only the really fruity kind and not very many. Monday came aroud and work was surprisingly slow, so on a whim I signed up for VTO (voluntary time off). Low and behold, I got it! I was free from work about an hour and a half earlier than planned! Per the usual, I calles Stess when I got off. All excited that I had the rest of the night off, I told her I'd been vto'd and was on my way home. She was surprised and we talked for a bit before she had to go since she and her roomies were in the car and we don't like talking on the phone in the car with other people. I called Hannah then and she had just started cooking dinner so I told her I'd call when I got off the max and we'd go from there. I got off max, decided t

25 & 27

I have some pictures but not my camera, so I'll post pictures of my weekend tonight, but I thought I'd post something since it's been a while... This weekend I went to Albany for several reasons. On Saturday Mom, Dad, Stess, Nicole and I all rode our bikes in the Strawberry Festival Centenial Ride. No, we didn't ride 100 miles, but we did half that. Okay, some of us did half that. Since we had a beautiful little girl and a cute dog who couldn't join us on the ride Nicole and I switched off. She started with Mom, Dad and Stess and they rode the first 25 miles, from Lebanon High School to the other end of Foster Resivore in Sweet Home. I followed with the baby and the dog. Mom and Dad have two tandem bikes, one is an upright and the other is a recumbant. I prefer the recumbant by far! They all did great on the way to Foster. I met them at one stop and was very glad to have mom nearby as the little one had a blow out and didn't want to drink the formula I