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Showing posts from July, 2008

Stuff n junk

I know... it's been a while. Sorry! I've been a little busy so let me let you in on what my life has been like for the past 3 weeks... Like I said in my last post, I got pulled into a new hire training class the last week of June. It was so much fun! I loved it! No, it wasn't easy and my class was probably the worst type of class to have. One third of the class were transfering from another contract and the rest were newbies. With the transferes there I wasn't always sure if the newbies got it or not. To top that off, all my resources were gone, either in India or on vacation. But even with all that, I really enjoyed it! Everyone graduated and though we've lost a few since then, mostly attendance, I think they're getting it and doing a pretty good job. Aside from work, I've been getting ready for Mongolia! I'm leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks! Nope, not at all excited... Stacy is going to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. We get the joy of being t