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cebu! (cebu!) cebu! (cebu!) ahcu moo moo achoo moo moo boo hoo moo moo ahcu moo moo achoo moo moo boo hoo moo moo cebu!

Greetings from Cebu! I've been here for two and a half weeks now and I figure it's about time I showed off some pictures of things I've done. For the most part life consists of going from my hotel room to work and back. However, I'm trying to use my weekends well and get out to see the city. Last weekend I went to the Ayala shopping center, twice. I went on my on on Saturday and then Sunday my coworkers wanted to go, so I joined them again. Other than being a shopping center, they're several yummy looking restaurants and a beautiful garden in the center. Here's a self portrait showing off the garden. This fountain is at the mall too. Just a fun water feature. My favorite discovery so far... Gelatto! The first time I tried mango. It was SO good! I am absolutely loving the mangoes. They're fresh and taste so yummy! I have a mango shake or mango juice any chance I get :) I've started "collecting" the Starbucks mugs that are specific to the region

God is GOOD!

Can I just say, I love my job! I was just struck today by how amazing God has been to me. I was just sitting poolside at a grill restaurant in the hotel I'm staying at, in Cebu Philippines, eating molassis and pecan crusted salmon as this great tropical breeze blows by and I just have to be amazed. All of this is being paid by work, and all I have to do is my job, which I love! Never would I have thought three years ago that I would be on my second oversease business trip with this company. I dind't think I'd be there longer than 6 months and this month marks 3 years! I have been so blessed to be able to travel and do what I love. I've been to Asia 4 times in the last 4 years. A testiment to God's sense of humor since I never had any desire to go to Asia :) But if I'd gone to work anywhere else, my opportunities to travel probably woudln't have been available. So, things that happened today to make me write this... I had jumbalaya and fresh, as in I co


"We're kidnapping your bike... The lock's in the way though." Was the text I received from my roomies tonight when I got off of work around 11:30pm. They're so fun :) As I stepped into the lobby I saw them sitting in the dark, on the couch waiting for me to come out. They'd been out for dinner and thought to come pick me up from work. How sweet! We got home and as I went up the stairs I checked the time, 11:56pm. Brie disappeared into the kitchen and Eron blocked the entrance. "What time is it?" he asked. I told him. "Well, we'll go off of mountain time!" and he and Brie burst into song, singing Happy Birthday. Brie had made me homemade, Giradelli chocolate brownies with homemade caramel sauce on them! Mmmmm, they we're delicious! I love my roomies!

Is it April already!?

It seems like I get the urge to blog about once a month :) Or maybe it just takes that long for things to change at work just enough for me to write about it. I'm not sure. Either way, it's been a while and things are on the move, again. Not a whole lot has changed recently. At least not concerning work, but I'll get to that... Stess and I are thinking about living together again, but it probably won't happen until the end of summer, maybe. She's teaching out in Sandy as a temporary sub for the rest of the year. It's nice to know she's got a steady job, but that's causing her some stress since she now has to plan a lesson every day as well as get her school work done. We don't see each other as much anymore since we're on the opposite ends of town. We're making up for it during the weekends though. Last weekend Mom, Dad, Stess, Crista and my Aunt and Uncle all came up to Portland to see Cat's the Broadway. I think we all agree tha


I enjoy my job. I like working with the agents I work with. I like the other Seniors I work with. I really like training new classes. I currently have a good schedule and for the most part, I'm happy with my job. I would however, like to have more responsibility. When I'm training I'm in charge of 20-25 agents, making sure they understand what is going to be expected of them. I get the opportunity to work with them for four weeks and by the end of that time, I've developed pretty good rapport with them. Lately, when I'm not training, I've found myself a bit bored at work. When I'm working as a Senior, I'm wandering the floor helping agents, and I like it, but I'm ready for more. That's why, when about three weeks ago and email came out saying they were hiring three new managers, I figured I'd apply. At first I just thought about it. But soon I had a few managers ask me if I was going to apply. And not the managers that I necessarily