I'm back! Yep, I'm back from Mongolia. We got into Portland Friday night. Thank you Stacy for coming to meet us! It was fun seeing you and getting to have dinner at McMinneman's. And Lani, I'm glad you stopped by too! For now, I'll just tell you what I'm sure you already know, the trip was amazing and I wish I was still there! I'm headed off to work, but I'll tide you over with some pictures from the trip. Enjoy for now!
"Super" the tickle monster
A beautiful Mongolian sunset
Azaa, Batraa and their beautiful son "Everlasting Joy"
Munktsetsig and Khurley, looking at our photos
Old Mongolian dress
We took down that fence and built a new one, like the one on the far left
Kate, Jack and Joseph, lot's of hot days
Eric was the new favorite
This is where we lived, in 2 gers!