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Showing posts from December, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas to all my friends and family who read this, and to anyone else who happens along! While I'm stuck at work, for a short shift, and wishing I were with family I thought I'd post something, since I have the time and this list seems to be making it's way throughout bloggland. Yes, I borrowed this from Stacy who borrowed it from... My Favorites of the Christmas Season: Smell - Baking (pumpkin bread, nutmeg, cinamon, bananna bread, fudge...) Song - Angels we have herd on high Food - Mom's swedish bread Symbol - christmas lights Tradition - Chinese food on Christmas Eve followed by opening up one gift, usually pajamas if they were under the tree Movie - White Christmas Sweet - fudge Gift Received - Last year mom got be a book I didn't think she'd actually buy and I've loved having it! There's a link to it here . Gift Given - I was pretty excited about my Dad's gift several years back. Compiling his music into one big 3 ring binder. Meal - Ha

Dear Mrs. Clause,

It has come to my attention that Santa Clause is not very technically savvy. Every time my sister and I call him, he says hello and then promptly, sometimes not so promptly, hands us over to Mrs. Clause. Santa also does not email very often. In fact, I don't think I've ever had an email from Santa Clause. And then there's blogs. Apparently one of Santa's elves told him I had a blog, but would you believe it, he doesn't read it! Instead Mrs. Clause dutifully gets online and puts in my blog address to read to Mr. Clause what is going on in the day to day life of me. None of this do I mind, however I got the most astonishing email from Mrs. Clause this evening. Apparently Mrs. Clause has forgotten the directions to this wonderful blog, of which I should write much more often than I do, and is in desperate need of the directions. Never you fear, I would NOT want to deprive Mr. and Mrs. Clause of the joyous ramblings of my day to day life, so I've sent the di

Beautiful Tuya

In Mongolia this year I really connected with a beautiful girl named Tuya. Two years ago she and her sister were more quiet around our team, but this year I really felt a connection with her. She wrote me a letter before we left, which I still have and will probably always keep. Bonnie got back from Mongolia a few weeks ago, and with her came letters for our team written by some of the kids. Today I got an envelope from "Far Far Away". When I opened it I had a letter from this dear girl. It's times like these when I don't know how I can't go back. Here's a picture of this lady. She asked me to come back next year, but this time I need to bring my boyfriend. I guess I should get cracking on that...

Just for fun

I'm looking through my pictures, trying to find a specific one, but I've run across these four pictures that I just want to post. No big reason other than it was a fun weekend. A while ago Stess came up to Ptown and we got to hang out with our "Brothers" Ryan and Kyle. Kyle didn't look at the camera, Ryan made a face, my camera didn't focus on Stess and I, and then the sky was just cool. So, for no real reason, enjoy!

1st Christmas gift

I was over at Stacy's tonight watching a show, but before we watched it she was showing me a youtube video of Il Divo, a group that she really likes. That got me thinking about a group I heard about last year called "Straight No Chaser". They're an acapella music group that performed back in 1996. Well they have a great video that Stacy has posted on her site. Check it out. They're amazing. Since Stacy posted the Christmas video I thought I'd post another favorite we watched a few times tonight... After watching those a few times we saw that the group is back together and has put out a Christmas cd! I love it! Stacy bought me a copy for Christmas so I can enjoy it for years to come. It's so much fun! It reminds me of all the choirs that I was in growing up. All the Christmas concerts we performed. The acapella songs sung and the fun times. Thanks Stacy!